As I See It
Kind of a tag line that I use. How I see things has changed. Whereas I almost never finished images black and white in the past, nowadays it’s probably almost all of them. A major change of location a couple years ago left me without much of the subject matter I used to shoot. I’ve found myself concentrating on some things that I did not really look at quite the same before, as well. I think those things contributed to what I see as a rather organic shift in my style. I’m still progressing, but now I feel I’m pointed in a direction.
It’s quite unusual for me to put words here. If you’ve looked, you’ve noticed I rarely title my photos, and I never describe them. It’s a visual medium, and I feel if I need to tell you what’s going on, it defeats the purpose. Putting a title on an image contributes to that, so I don’t do it. Occasionally, in the past, I’ve noted the location, but I rarely even do that anymore. What it is doesn’t matter. Where it is doesn’t matter. How I felt when shooting it doesn’t matter. My camera settings don’t matter. I don’t matter. What matters is the image - how you see it..
I like it that way. I hope you do, too.