There is a "nature" park in Signal Hill where this old oil line valve remains. I don't even know if it is still operating. But what an amazing spot.
Bad Seed Photo Blog
Shots on the floor
Literally. Shots of shots. Of espresso. On the floor.
Meter Me
I'm always finding things interesting when I'm creeping around alleys.
No Parking or None Parked
Creepin' around some out of the way spots in DTLB on a Sunday morning when it's deserted...
Meter the mood
I like finding interesting yet mundane subjects to compose an image. I saw this yesterday buried in the back corner of a patio outside a local eatery. So, I had to stand there and photograph it.
In the Neighborhood
Rather than grabbing a capture looking up, or tunnelvision/vanishing point type of shot that I really dig, I caught this interesting composition looking down while out strolling about the neighborhood one recent morning.