The #DailyEspressoShot cantilevered.
Bad Seed Photo Blog
Choc Cap
A chocolate cappucino. Outside. On the sidewalk.
Time is almost up
Today is the last day of special marked down pricing on some of the prints I have here at my place, ready to send to you for you hang on your wall. Tomorrow it's back to the regular price. Get one today!:
Prints Available Direct
There is a "nature" park in Signal Hill where this old oil line valve remains. I don't even know if it is still operating. But what an amazing spot.
Big Sur Print
Today I sold this wood print of an image I shot in Big Sur. I got it printed at Woodsnap in Irvine. It turned out great (sorry for the lack of sharpness in this quickie pic--didn't have time to set up a good shot). The wood grain added some real texture to this one, making it certainly a one of a kind piece. I love doing stuff like this. Hit me up.
Thanks again, Larry!
Hi Hat
I was told that's a high hat on top of what I saw as simply some strangely lit electrical boxes. In an alley. In DTLB. Again.
DTLB Alley Once Again. Once Again.
Same alley. Don't know what it is about that alley. I'm just off the alley this time, actually. By a dumpster. At least I have not resorted to dumpster diving. Yet.
Sunday Morning Coming Down
Ever sat on the ground alone with a lonely parking cone on a deserted Sunday morning downtown? I have.
Not much time left... grab a print direct from me at the special markdown price.
Please check it out: Prints Available Direct
Sometimes it's a legit window spot. Sometimes it's makeshift.